A Dusty Trip Wiki

This page will cover all the death messages.

You died to … what?[]

You can get this death message by either resetting your character or dying to hunger or falling down the void.

This is followed by "I don't even know why you even died lol."

You were attacked by a zombie guy[]

You can get this death message by dying to any type of mutant. See Enemies for all types of mutants.

This is followed by "DO NOT HUG THE ZOMBIES."

You stole from Dan[]

You can get this death message by either:

  • Crossing the red line while holding an unpaid item.
  • Selling Dan's items.
  • You stole from Dan

    The death screen.

    Eating food or using guns when you did not pay for them.

This is followed by "STEALING IS BAD!"

You fell of a bridge[]

You get this death message by falling down the 5000M bridge(Not when sitting in a car or when sliding down with a door)

This followed by maybe watch your step next time

You got sand in your eyes[]

You get this message when you die to the sandstorm(Only when you are Outside)(Not when you are sitting in a car or when you are inside a building). Check the Events page for the event details.

IDK what this is followed by.

You stared at an Eclipse[]

You get this message when you die to looking at the sun during the eclipse. Check the Events page for the event details.

This is followed by "Why do my eyes hurt?"

You were Shot[]

You get this message when you die to a gun in any of the ways:

  • Shooting at yourself.
  • Someone else shooting at you.
  • A bandit killing you by shooting.

This is followed by "Try to dodge the bullets"


Lines in Italics means I am not sure.

Lines in Underlines means I do not know.


You travelled as far as ---- Metres

The message you get after seeing the death message. (The number is how far you travelled)(The red text varies according to the distance you travelled)
