A Dusty Trip Wiki
A Dusty Trip Wiki

The pumpkin launcher is a type of rocket launcher that shoots as pumpkins as bullets. The pumpkin launcher can be obtained through The Hallow, a limited time event map.

Has 1/INF ammo ( in The Hallow ) | Has 1 / 3 ammo ( Desert / Plains )


Obtained by beating the headed horseman at 5000 meters, and defeating all enemies (except for the ones in cages).

It will spawn inside of Yorick's Resting Place, and will give a certain amount of launchers depending on how many players are in the game.

It can also be found in Shop, but it require infinite amount of Caps to buy it. Can be spawned on other location such as Ghost town


It can one shot any normal mutant or bosses (only flings them out of existence).


  • After the target enemies exploded, some small pumpkins will be scattered around.
    • Surprisingly, all of the pumpkins are edible by player.
    • The pumpkins that spawn can be sold at Express Exchange.
  • the ammo will be infinite because you can reload it with your backpack and the pumpkins are edible, basically infinite food, thank you jandel
  • Pumpkin Launcher require infinite amount of caps to purchase, making them the most expensive weapon in Dusty Trip history.
    • Rocket Launcher used to require infinite amount of caps to purchase too, until it is changed to 200 caps instead