The Slugbug is a vehicle based off the Volkswagen Beetle, it was obtainable through the Demo Derby battle pass for 150 points or 399 Robux now being unobtainable.
The Slugbug has Decent fuel efficiency, good oil consumption, and Okay water usage when using its default radiator.
The Slugbug comes with an additional Gas canister.
It features a functioning interior light, which can be activated by holding LMB. Its headlights work, which pis enabled by holding a button to the right of the steering wheel.
Unfortunately, the Slugbug is almost impossible to push. With its slanted back, you will most definitely walk over the car while trying to give it a push.
Never use the vampire engine as the Slugbug will spin out and wastes your gas faster
If you use the performance cooling radiator the Slugbug engine will overheat after a while
If you find the carbureted engine use it as it boosts the Slugbugs accleration and sends the slugbug at 125km/h
Fun fact: The Volkswagen beetle (the car the slugbug is based off) is rear engined hence the big ample trunk space but the beetle was also a 5 seater.
Fun fact: The Slugbug is named after a game where if you spot a Volkswagen Beetle you yell out “Slugbug!” And punch the person sitting next to you