A Dusty Trip Wiki

Crashing Plane[]

A crashing plane will always spawn close to the starting area (~300m) but can also generate randomly at any time. When a plane is about to crash, you'll hear audio cues such as beeping or turbine noises. To avoid being hit, it's best to start driving backward or forward rather than continuing in a straight line, as the plane is falling from behind and is essentially targeting you. The damage it deals varies widely: a direct hit can instantly kill you, while being near the crash site might only cause minor to moderate damage.

How To Survive a Crashing Plane[]

Move out of the way or find cover. The plane is essentially targeting your car so driving backward or forward instead of in a straight line can help you evade it.

If you're walking, the plane will always crash ~100m behind you since it's script is related to the player being inside the car and driving it, as opposed to the player simply walking it.

Acid Rain[]

An Acid Rain event occurs randomly, turning the sky green and producing thunderbolts. Similar to a thunderstorm, acid rain poses a threat. Seek shelter under solid objects like buildings or vehicles to survive.

Falling tree:[]

A large tree is in the middle of the road, when you get close to it, it will fall, and touching it will damage you. It despawns a few seconds after falling.


The sky turns red and dark, and meteors begin to fall. If a meteor hits you, it will be fatal, and it will also damage your car. Dark red spots on the ground indicate where the meteors will land


Falling ice cubes descend from above, but they have no impact or effect.

Pink fog:[]

In an area spanning approximately 1000 meters, your screen will turn pink, and circles will appear at regular intervals on your location. As long as you keep moving (even walking), you can easily avoid these circles. However, if you remain within the circles and fail to move away, a large meteor will hit the area of the circle making a large explosion, resulting in death on impact. To survive, simply keep moving and avoid the marked areas.(this is just meteors I think)
