The Wagon is a new vehicle which is obtainable by reaching level 35 in the first season, and resembles the Audi RS 6 Avant.
It was introduced on May 18, 2024 alongside The Plains.
The Wagon with its default engine can reach a top speed of 109 km/h.
The engine makes a different sound than the default engine sound
Lights button is located on windshield
The vehicle will reach a top speed of 167 km/h with the big wheels, however, this will make it accelerate very slowly.
This vehicle is very fat and uses crazy amount of fuel, water and oil. This car uses 18L fuel to reach 5k meters. This is compensated for by providing an extra Gas canister. But since the new update it does not use alot of resources
The Invisible engine glitch and shoplifting will be prefect for wagon since it is bulletproof and the engine glitch compensated its liquid usage, slow acceleration and low speed.
This car is easy to flip over but easy to flip again too(only if you put something on top of the car)
This vehicle is one of the first and may be the last to have put their lights on a windshield, have the most gallons of gas wasted (if I'm not mistaken) and have a actual top speed that is digtialized